Enabling authentication for the Hoverfly proxy and API

Sometimes, you may need authentication on Hoverfly. An example use case would be when running Hoverfly on a remote host.

Hoverfly can provide authentication for both the admin API (using a JWT token) and the proxy (using HTTP basic auth).

Setting Hoverfly authentication credentials

To start a Hoverfly instance with authentication enabled, you need to run the hoverctl start command with the authentication (--auth) flag.

hoverctl start --auth

Running this command will prompt you to set a username and password for the Hoverfly instance.

This can be bypassed by providing the --username and --password flags, although this will leave credentials in your terminal history.


By default, hoverctl will start Hoverfly with authentication disabled. If you require authentication you must make sure the --auth flag are supplied every time Hoverfly is started.

Logging in to a Hoverfly instance with hoverctl

Now that a Hoverfly instance has started with authentication enabled, you will need to login to the instance using hoverctl.

hoverctl login

Running this command will prompt you to enter the username and password you set for the Hoverfly instance. Again, this can be bypassed by providing the --username and --password flags.

There may be situations in which you need to log into to a Hoverfly instance that is already running. In this case, it is best practice to create a new target for the instance (please see Controlling a remote Hoverfly instance with hoverctl for more information on targets). You can do this using the --new-target flag.

In this example, a remote Hoverfly instance is already running on the host `hoverfly.example.com`, with the ports set to 8880 and 8555 and authentication enabled (the example from Controlling a remote Hoverfly instance with hoverctl). You will need to create a new target (named remote) for the instance and log in with it.

hoverctl login --new-target remote \
    --host hoverfly.example.io \
    --admin-port 8880 \
    --proxy-port 8550

You will be prompted to enter the username and password for the instance.

Now run the following commands to capture and simulate a URL using the remote Hoverfly:

hoverctl -t remote mode capture
curl --proxy http://my-user:my-pass@hoverfly.example.com:8555 http://ip.jsontest.com
hoverctl -t remote mode simulate
curl --proxy http://my-user:my-pass@hoverfly.example.com:8555 http://ip.jsontest.com